Minnesota Pork Producers Association Annual Meeting

The Minnesota Pork Producers Association Annual Meeting will be held: 

January 18, 2016 

1:00-2:30 p.m. 

Minneapolis Hilton, Symphony III

All that are a part of the Strategic Investment Program (SIP) or who are Minnesota Pork Partners are welcome to attend and participate. 

Minnesota Pork Producers Association Annual Meeting Agenda 

I. Call to Order – Lori Stevermer-MPPA President

II. Introductions- MPPA Executive Board, National Pork Producers Council Board Members, MPPA Staff

III. Review of Annual Meeting Procedures, Rules of Debate- Bruce Kleven- MPPA Annual Meeting Counsel

IV. Approval of 2014 Annual Meeting Minutes- Nate Brown MPPA Secretary

V. Election of 2016 MPPA Executive Board

VI. MPPA Financial Report and Program Review- David Preisler- MPPA Executive Director

VII. Guest Speaker: Neil Dierks, National Pork Producers Council, Chief Executive Officer

VIII. 2014 Resolutions, Discussion and Action- Greg Boerboom- Chair of the Public Affairs Committee

IX. Election Results for 2016 MPPA Executive Board

X. Announcements


Due to the winter storm, the Minnesota Pork Board and Minnesota Pork Producers Association Annual meeting scheduled for Tuesday Dec 1, 2015 at the Country Inn & Suites in Mankato has been cancelled. 
The Annual Meeting has been rescheduled for Monday, January 18th at 1:00 p.m. at the Minneapolis Hilton. More information will be provided closer to the date. 

MPPA Annual Meeting

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

12:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m.

Country Inn & Suites

1900 Premier Drive, Mankato 


LUNCH: 11:30-12:30  Meeting begins at 12:30 

Preregister by emailing Colleen@mnpork.com 



  1. Call to Order – Lori Stevermer-MPPA President
  2. Introductions- MPPA Executive Board, National Pork Producers Council Board Members, MPPA Staff
  3. Review of Annual Meeting Procedures, Rules of Debate- Bruce Kleven- MPPA Annual Meeting Counsel
  4. Approval of 2014 Annual Meeting Minutes- Nate Brown MPPA Secretary
  5. Election of 2016 MPPA Executive Board
  6. MPPA Financial Report and Program Review- David Preisler- MPPA Executive Director
  7. Guest Speaker: Neil Dierks, National Pork Producers Council, Chief Executive Officer
  8. Minnesota Legislative Outlook – Jerry Schoenfeld- MPPA Lobbyist, Greater State Advisors
  9. 2014 Resolutions, Discussion and Action- Greg Boerboom- Chair of the Public Affairs Committee
  10. Election Results for 2016 MPPA Executive Board
  11. Announcements


Guest Speaker: Neil Dierks, National Pork Producers Council, Chief Executive Officer

Neil will be giving an industry update on legislative issues that are impacting pork producers or could impact future pork production.

MPB Annual Meeting  3:00 – 5:00 p.m – MPPA members are encouraged to the Minnesota Pork Board (Pork Checkoff) annual meeting following the MPPA Meeting

Social Hour – immediately following the MPB annual meeting


Click here to see MPPA Resolutions 

Dear Chipotle

Lori Feb 14 A

Lori Stevermer

Recently Chipotle announced that they were going to source their pork from the United Kingdom and loosened their antibiotic standards to do so. Lori Stevermer, President of the Minnesota Pork Producers Association, had this to say to Chipotle: 


Dear Chipotle,
I read your recent announcement on your new supplier of pork for your carnitas and I couldn’t help but ask myself what you have against U.S. pig farmers. Your article discusses how your new pork supplier, Karro, a company from the United Kingdom, follows European standards that allow for antibiotics to be administered when necessary to keep an animal healthy. Karro does not give pigs non-therapeutic doses of antibiotics for growth promotion. Your comments go on to state that as a result, some of the pork Chipotle purchases from the UK comes from animals that were treated with antibiotics under veterinary supervision.

That same practice is followed here in the United States by America’s pig farmers. In fact new rules are going into effect that will make it illegal to use antibiotics for growth promotion that are considered medically important. These antibiotics will need to have a veterinary prescription before they can be purchased.

I found the next statement on your website interesting. “But this does not mean that antibiotics are present in the meat. All animals treated with antibiotics (both in Europe and the U.S.) must undergo a withdrawal period before they are slaughtered, which means that meat from a pig treated with antibiotics will not contain antibiotic residue, just like meat from an animal that was never given antibiotics.” All these years you’ve been saying that your pork is better because it comes from farms that never fed antibiotics, but now that you have a supplier that can use antibiotics, you’re admitting there will be no residue and it’s the same as pork from animals never fed antibiotics. It would appear that you have changed your message to fit your situation.


I was also concerned when I read through the chart comparing “conventionally raised” pork to Chipotle U.S and Chipotle U.K. On the topic of using antibiotics used to treat illness it was listed as an industry standard for conventional pork, but it’s prohibited by Chipotle U.S and used only when necessary by Chipotle U.K. Please tell me what I’m supposed to do when my pig gets sick. Not give it medicine to make it better? Let it get sick and die? All your earlier discussion of humane treatment seems to be a bit hypocritical if I can’t treat a sick animal with medicine.

At the top of your website is the phrase “Food with Integrity”. Given the examples I listed above, it makes me wonder how Chipotle defines integrity. It makes me question who Chipotle uses as a source of industry information. I know many farmers who treat animals humanely and give them antibiotics only when they are sick and keep their pigs in the barns to protect them from freezing temperatures and scorching heat. Those farmers live right here in the U.S. Chipotle, have you taken the time to talk to them?

Integrity means your actions match your words and I’m sorry Chipotle, but that’s just not the case with you anymore. Your actions seems to change depending on the situation and then the story changes to match the situation. You say there’s not enough pork raised in the U.S. to meet your standards for “Responsibly Raised” meats. If you want your animals raised a particular way, that’s your decision to help differentiate your company. However, don’t insinuate that the farmers who use a different production practice aren’t treating their animals humanely. If you want to buy pork from another country that’s your choice. However, as a consumer I prefer to support restaurants and eating establishments that support and promote U.S. agriculture.

You see Chipotle, I like Food with Integrity too and you just don’t have it.

Country of Origin Labeling

IMG_0123On May 18th the World Trade Organization (WTO) ruled that the United States implementation of Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) is illegal. The National Pork Producers Council and the Minnesota Pork Producers Association has been steadfast in opposing COOL as written and have warned of impending tariffs that will come if the legislation is not fixed. We urged you to contact Senator Klobuchar and Franken and your member of the U.S. House of Representatives to address this issue now. If not the U.S. risks retaliation which could lower prices paid to farmers because of trade distribution. Dr. Steve Meyer has written a very good overview of the issue and its consequences.  

Click Here to Read Dr. Steve Meyer’s Overview of COOL