Meet Dale Miller: Membership and Outreach Coordinator

Dale MillerDale Miller, former longtime editor of the National Hog Farmer, Magazine has joined the Minnesota Pork Producers Association as the Membership and Outreach Coordinator. Miller retired from the National Hog Farmer this summer and we are glad to have him as a part of our team. He has a wealth of knowledge about pork production and the people that make it happen every day. He also has the skills to listen to pork producers concerns. Miller’s duties include:

  • Developing and implementing a communication and outreach program
  • Communicate Checkoff funded programs to producers
  • Listen to the concerns and communicate the work that MPPA/NPPC is doing on pork producers behalf
  • Communicate the benefits of membership and participation in the Strategic Investment Program to pork producers

Cell: (651) 895-4342

Commentary: Playing Chicken with Pork

By Rick Berman | Updated: 02/28/2013

Rick Berman is the Executive Director of the Center for Consumer Freedom, a nonprofit coalition supported by restaurants, food companies and consumers to promote personal responsibility and protect consumer choices. Visit to learn more.

From Pork Network

Rick- BermanThere’s a lot of concern among pork producers about what’s going on with retailers and restaurants. A handful, including brands like McDonald’s, have made demands that their suppliers have a supply chain free of gestation stalls in the next decade.

Demand generally drives supply, but here’s a situation in which the vast majority of supply producers don’t have an interest in responding. Supply, in other words, is at odds with demand.

Essentially, producers and retailers are playing chicken. So who will flinch?

If the pork industry stands together, it will prevail. There are several reasons. Read more

Minnesota Sales Tax Reform

This 16-page document describes how the sales tax reform proposal will affect agriculture and other industries.


House Adopts New Rules

By Sarah Lemagie – Session Daily

The House has adopted new rules for floor debate, including a controversial change to the way that legislators can offer amendments to bills.

In a 69-59 vote early Tuesday morning, the House approved new Permanent Rules, which guide bill movement and floor debate. The vote followed a contentious, 9.5-hour debate, much of which centered on a new requirement that amendments be filed the day before a bill goes to the floor for debate.

It’s a potentially major change to the daily rhythm of the House, where amendments have often been proposed and argued at a moment’s notice. DFLers who proposed the new deadline say it will make the legislative process more transparent and deliberative, and help avert errors made when lawmakers vote on amendments without having a chance to study their impact. Read more

A 50-Year Comparison of the Carbon Footprint and Resource Use of the U.S. Pig Herd

50 year Comparison Carbon Footprint

Download: Full Report
Learn more: Pig Farmers: Calculate Your Farm’s Carbon Footprint

How Hog Farmers Reduced Their Carbon Footprint:

  • Availability of better genetics
  • Adoption of new technologies
  • Climate-controlled barns that are specifically designed for pig care and protection
  • Fewer sows giving birth outside
  • Advances in understanding the nutritional needs of pigs
  • Improved on-farm practices to conserve and manage resources
  • Precision manure application and advancements in manure storage have enhanced the benefits of the nutrient cycle